Many things on my heart this week. I figured the best thing to do was put our thoughts & feelings out there so that our team of loved ones can be praying along with us. First, it has been an odd week for me (Amber). Here is why: So, if you have ever had a child and made a baby registry, you may remember that your mailing address gets shared with everyone. So, you start receiving mail from all sorts of baby venues. I remember when pregnant with Noah (and for the first year of his sweet life) getting numerous baby formula samples and coupons up the wazoo for formula. Those stopped coming shortly after his first birthday. Well, this week I received two separate mailings: One from Gerber, it is a lavender box with a baby girl on it. The box reads, "You've spent months preparing for your baby's arrival. Now we want to help you..." Inside are 2 cans of Gerber Good Start gentle formula. The special gentle formula for little ones who have tummy trouble (like most children do who are adopted from Ethiopia.... coincidence?)
Then, I received a mailer from Similac that reads, "Your first moments, Our first priority", it has three $5 formula coupons in it for formula.
THEN, on Sunday a sweet woman from church OUT. OF. THE. BLUE. came up to me and handed me a fleece "tie blanket" her and her friends made. She said they made this blanket and prayed over it and it was a gift for our little girl. It is sweet, light green with butterflies.
All of these combined in one week feel- well, strange. I can't help but find myself wondering, "God, are you getting ready to MOVE big time here?" We are pumped about raising about $6,800 so far but the reality is that we still are in need of a little over $21,000. Of our knowledge we aren't "close" to going to the next step, but maybe we are and God is just getting us ready? I have to be 100% honest, after the blanket was given to me I had the passing thought, "Oh Lord, please don't tease my heart." But teasing is not the Lord's business- that is not His way. THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING MORE HERE. Just wish I knew what it was..... Would you please all join us in continuing to pray for a peace in our hearts for God's timing. Oh- and pray in the name of JESUS for provision! NOTHING is too big for God to handle.
Also- we are reordering more fundraising shirts! My heart soars when I see one of you wearing one of these and I find great comfort when I wear my own. Tell your friends & family about the shirts! Info below on ordering :)
Here is is:
The shirt is our new favorite quote: "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of HOPE" ~Maya Angelou
Ready for more AWESOME news?? We will be offering the shirt in Adult sizes AND youth sizes! (The smallest we will be able to offer is 2T) So sizes available are:
Youth: 2T through (youth) large
Adult: (adult) small through XXL
So, how can you get your hands on one (or two or three) of these awesome shirts? Well my friends, I am glad you asked!
1.) email us at with the following information:
Your name
Mailing address
Phone number
Quantity and shirt size (make sure to specify if adult or youth size)
2.) Our fundraiser shirts will cost $20 each for adult sizes and $18 each for youth sizes.
You have a variety of payment options for your shirt order:
* You can pay by cash or check if you see us in person
* You can mail a check to our home through USPS (just email us for our home address-
we did not want to include that on the public blog!)
* You can pay with credit/debit card through our paypal link right here on the blog. Just
make sure to note in your PayPal payment that it is for shirts so we can make sure to
separate it from the other cash donations.
*A note about PayPal: Just an FYI, if you can pay by cash or check that is great because we get more of the proceeds that way. If you pay through PayPal, they keep a small percentage of the money. However, if PayPal is easier for you PLEASE feel free to use it!! It will still greatly help us with our fundraising to bring our precious little one home. We just want to inform people of this info in case you are on the fence of how you want to pay. :)
We love each and every one of you and are grateful for your commitment to walk along side us; offering your resources, time, and most importantly your prayers.
Much Love