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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dear Abandoned Blog

So at least I know I am not the only one out there terrible at updating blogs in "blogworld."  When I logged in, I noticed the few blogs I follow haven't been updated in quite some time as well. (shew)

Anyway, several updates here at the Rohde house! I'm not sure where to start but just know that I'll have this blog up and running again soon-

The last post in here was about starting a running program. That was a gigantic FAIL!. Not because I chickened out and stopped, but because a few days after that blog post I broke my foot in a nasty spot and have been "benched." Here we are 8 months later and it still isn't working right. A recent MRI and a new Ortho specialist should have me jogging within the next 4-6 weeks (at least that is the latest news as of this week.)  I still feel this strong urge and leading from the Lord to work feverishly to take good care of my body and get stronger. I have no clue what for.... but feel like I am needing to prepare for something. Not sure what for yet but am okay with waiting on God's .

Oh- and even though my foot was being a big meanie, I lost about 35 pounds :)  yahoo! So the road to health and wellness is off to a good start.
More to come.....
