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Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Are you ready?
     I am.

Before you read further, take a peek at that beautiful thermometer! Yes, in case you missed it- yesterday that puppy read: $11,018.

We first shared that we were going to start the process of adopting in mid to late May of 2012. In the original “plan” (God thinks MY plans are funny by the way) my goal was to have half of our fundraising done ($14,000) in one year and have the home study complete by June 2013. As June drew near, it was clear that it was not going to happen. We were not prepared financially and it was clear that it was not the right time. I distinctly remember the end of May/ beginning of June mourning that I hadn’t met “the goal” yet, even though we had worked tirelessly for a very long time to get to the goal. Feeling distraught that my timing was wrong and uncertain of what this meant, I recall crying in prayer, “God how much longer until we get ½ way financially to the goal.” At the time, we were still a good $3,000 away from the half way mark, which in my mind, may as well have been $300,000! It started to feel unattainable. Ashamedly, I admit that I doubted, I questioned….. “was I wrong in feeling God is leading us, calling us to adopt from Ethiopia?” But amidst that, I felt that still, small voice saying…”keep going, don’t stop.”

I kept coming back to Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us”  (emphasis added)

Then, it happened, clarity. Promise. Light. Hope.

Now, here I am walking into August (mind you only 2 short…okay looooong months after “my goal” of June) and we are not only half way to the financial goal- we BLEW PAST the half way mark!

What does this mean? So glad you asked! In August and September we will:
1.) Officially apply to the adoption agency that we would like to work with
2.) Complete our home study (hopefully by early Sept)
3.) Begin putting together the dossier.
August is going to be big month folks!

I (frankly) had been avoiding August like the plague for another reason. I am turning 30. It is actually my golden birthday this year (30 on the 30th). However now, I think it is time to leave my 20’s in the dust, grab onto 30…. and hang on tight because it is going to be awesome.

Only about $8,000 to go in fundraising. Can you believe it?!? ONLY $8,000 left. Who is ready to push that thermometer to the top with me!

Ready. Set. GO!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Where have you been! And, what is going on with the adoption!?!

Good morning friends and family and random blog readers from the U.K. (blogger tells me you hop on and read)   :)

Well, clearly it has been several months since I have posted on here. However, the time has come to get rolling!

First to answer a couple brief questions:
1.) I haven't heard much about the adoption lately, are you still doing that?
Answer: YES, YES and YES! So here is the deal friends, we had been fundraising our brains out for about a year and needed to take a moment to breathe. It is important to continue to be good stewards of the family we have in our home and invest here just as much as we invest in fundraising. We had to hit the pause button to take care of one another and be as healthy as we can be in moving forward in this adoption journey. The journey is long, and emotional, and exhausting (and this is just the beginning!) We sprinted for almost a year to raise funds for the adoption, and needed a little water break to stretch before we started running again.

In the meantime, I would like to say thank you SO much to all of you who have been praying for our family

2.) So, where are you at? What is next? Where is your thermometer now!?!
Answer: You didn't really think I would come back after a blogging hiatus and just show you all my cards right away did you? Let me say this.... In the next 48 hours I will be posting an AWESOME update that will blow some of you out of the water. Take a peek at where the thermometer is won't look that way for long.

Anticipation. Excitement. Get ready......
