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Friday, November 12, 2010

Not a suggestion...

Then I said to you, "Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the desert. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as the father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.
                                                                                                    Deuteronomy 1:29-31

I am never really without rest- insomnia is not (thankfully) something I battle. (Except that is when I was 8 and 9 months pregnant. ha)   These days with an infant son I could pretty much sleep any time; any where. So, I was perplexed when I arose at 3:40am and felt like I had slept an entire night. I tried to go back to bed but continued to feel a tug at heart to rise and read.  Now, what comes in passages immediately following the above scripture is equally important and I would encourage you dear reader to take it on yourself to study. However, what jumps out at me is this:

Usually when I read scripture (either Old Testament or New Testament) and I see something about fear or something saying 'do not be afraid'  I usually get this semi-fluffy feeling about God being the gentle guiding hand soothing us as children who may be afraid of the dark. (You may take that as literal or implicit as you choose)
But here, what Moses writes in Deuteronomy is a command. A strong command, not suggestion or reassurance for our nerves.

Ponder on that instruction today.... any takers?

Much Love

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

His Leading

Not a long post this morning… just a thought. 

Often in times of trial I have said to myself or to others; “I just don’t understand.”  Usually this has been stated with frustration or even anger at a current circumstance or event that I don’t like, I don’t approve of, or I don’t think is fair.

Today- I laugh at myself; a wholehearted, deep belly laugh at all my times of disbelief. All my times of doubt, and questioning of God; who He is, and His all-knowing power. I laugh today because sometimes when God gives me a glimpse of his plan, or when He chooses to reveal Himself; I never, not once have said to myself, “Well God, that still just doesn’t make one lick of sense!”

I write this random thought in gratitude for my time with God this morning. I felt/ experienced/ saw; like the bright flash of a camera that makes your eyes readjust a timeline of my life and where HE is headed. My response- a deep belly laugh for not always seeing it or understanding.

Now- to many dear readers this may not make complete sense. But to those very close to me, my family or close friends who know my life story and testimony; just know that I have seen it and have such joy and peace.

Particularly to my mother and sister- “us girls” as we say, sure went through hell together huh?  It’s easy to try to put that chapter behind us and try to pretend we didn’t go through some of those things - but maybe God is NOT done with that story and he will make something so magnificent and beautiful from the ashes that I know I keep trying to pretend aren’t there.

That’s all for now

Much Love