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Thursday, May 19, 2011

One of those mornings- good for a giggle

So hello again blog world! It’s been a few months (forgive me!)
We reunite again because I just couldn’t keep my beautiful, wonderful morning to myself.
 Here goes it….

So our first baby, Bella was due to go to the vet, okay past due. So I scheduled her an appt for this morning at 9am. For those of you who have the pleasure of knowing the princess, Bella is fairly well trained here at home, however gets very anxious when we go somewhere. Her worst behavior is when we go to the groomer and the vet. My genius self thought that pairing her “vet behavior” with an early morning appt and adding an 11 month old in tow would be a great idea. (You already see where this is going)

1.)  Bella cried and spazzed out the entire drive to the point I almost turned around and went home because I didn’t feel safe driving with her acting like that all in my face
2.)  When we got to the vet she started howling then pooped in the parking lot while I was getting the stroller out of the trunk. Now, I am one of those people who ALWAYS…I mean ALWAYS picks up after her dog. But in my frazzled state could not find the little doggie poo bags so- now late for the appt I decided to leave it (feeling incredibly guilty) I started walking away when I was scolded by an old cat lady (literally- she had 3 in tow) “you know you can’t just leave that there, it’s unsanitary” aaarrggggg
3.)  Bella proceeded to demonstrate the most atrocious behavior I have ever seen out of her when we walked in the door of the vet- the kind of behavior that makes other people stare and judge your obviously negligent parenting skills. (Don’t lie- you know you do it)
4.)  While with the vet, she proceeded to spend 10 minutes telling me things I should be doing at home to get Bella’s behavior under control. She was extremely kind about it, but when I explained we do those things and have ever since we got her; I’m pretty sure she thought I was the worlds biggest liar. The eyes say it all….
5.)  Checking out she just got worse and worse…. I was paying for the morning’s humiliation (always fun when you have to pay to be mortified) Anyway… I was paying when she started howling again- which frightened Noah who then starts wailing at the top of his lungs.  After that I tried to hide under the fish tank in the lobby…wait.  I mean, I calmly spoke to both of them trying to calm them down. I turned around to get the receipt then Bella jumped up and nipped me in the butt.
6.)  Went back to the parking lot to pack up what appears to be circus animals that I have brought in public. The Monarch man (swapping out the rugs at the vet) was parked by me, he thinks he is funny and says..”so..(har har har) who cries more your dog or your kid” After mentally flipping him the bird, I reminded myself that I should probably conduct myself in a way that shows I know Jesus and kept the bird to myself.
7.)  Halfway home I began smelling something familiar- poo. Being a new mom, I smell poo from a mile away!   I discovered I had stepped in Bella’s poo from item #2 mentioned earlier it was smeared all over the bottom of my flip flop.

Sigh…. Got home and seriously contemplated what it would taste like to add a little tequila to my coffee. I wrote this instead.

So in honor of this morning and all mornings we ALL have like it…
This is the stuff that drives me crazy.

And yes, I have to admit I am giggling while I write because it was just so absurd.. J


  1. I love you so much, Amber. I wish I could have been there to help you or at least scowl at people for you. :) Have a blessed day, Sweetheart!

    Love you!

  2. Amber...this gave me my laugh for the day. Our little Toy Fox Terrier, Lilly, and Bella sound somewhat alike....Sometimes her behavior just astounds me........So glad you could keep your sense of humor!!
    Aunt Susie
