It seems that I have a habit of only looking ahead to all the things that I think are the best, happiest, more positive events that may come in a new year and only anticipate those New Years Eve. However, tonight as I rejoice in the ‘fresh start’ feeling you get at midnight; I also wish to acknowledge some things that hurt in addition to the positive things. For in those times I grew, I was stretched and am so very thankful. This year Lord I wish to give you everything- the things that I may be expecting and the things that may creep up and smack my in the head for you are with me ALWAYS
* Last year I would have never imagined what the rollercoaster of becoming a mother would entail. I have blogged about Noah’s birth before and won’t go there tonight (for the sake of my sanity) :0) but many do not know that even Noah making it to delivery was quite a roller coaster. In my first Dr appointment to confirm the pregnancy an ultrasound technician believed the pregnancy to be ectopic and I was told I would have to have surgery immediately to terminate the pregnancy; but the Lord protected Noah through the hands of a wonderful Dr who thought maybe another test or two should be done. Long story short- apparently cysts can look very similar to an ectopic pregnancy in the beginning stages, the tech was wrong and because the Dr took another look instead of doing the surgery we have Noah.
Praise the Lord for His protection.
* In April, Joshua’s elderly grandmother went to rest in Heaven after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Or at least I thought she was going to rest until the funeral when it was quite clear that Ms. Doris was not likely resting in heaven but singing songs, dancing to the accordion, and most certainly cracking jokes with other angels. You see, it wasn’t until her funeral that I was able to know who Doris was. All I had even known was the thin woman who didn’t usually remember who I was. While we were in Wisconsin for the services I had the honor or hearing story after story about how Doris lived every moment for The Lord, this was a woman who truly made every moment count. It was hard to see my husband with so much sadness in his eyes. And yet
Praise the Lord for people He puts in my life as examples to grow towards Christ likeness
*In September Joshua’s mother was diagnosed with an incurable, inoperable brain tumor, she is only 59. I have to say this one took the wind out of our lungs; it is still difficult sometimes. Jeri takes after her mother Doris (see above paragraph); she takes after Doris in the sense that Jeri loves the Lord with all her heart; with every fiber of her being and every breath she takes. Through her illness, Jeri remains focused on praising God. When others might question (and have) why something like this could happen to such a wonderful woman- She tells everyone how fortunate and blessed she is to have minimal side effects from her treatments. She talks about having more opportunities to talk to people about God when they ask her about her illness. So as we wait for healing for Jeri…
Praise the Lord for His strength and wisdom
As 2011 approaches, none of us know what is in store for our lives! There is no way to predict what’s coming. However I rest in the assurance that
Emmanuel-God is with us.
El Shaddai- All Sufficient
We are never alone-
May you celebrate the New Year covered in His Peace, no matter what comes.
Much Love