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Thursday, December 2, 2010

FULLY Dedicated

Our lives changed the day our son was born (obviously); but Sunday we celebrated Noah’s baby dedication. My mind has been full of thoughts this week about what that means- to dedicate my son to God. 

Is it like, dedicating a song on the radio to your middle school crush, “this shout out goes out to you…. because you romantically carried my pre-algebra book across the hall”  eh…. Not quite.  But sometimes if we are not careful a “religious tradition” can seem like that- a shout out to God; like “good work God, this kid rocks!”

Sunday was soo much more for our family and I think that is why I have been wrestling with my son’s dedication this week. For my husband and I, dedicating our son to the Lord meant we were not only dedicated to raising him to be a Godly young man and be living examples to him.  Dedication was our acknowledgment that Noah is not ours. I mean, biologically- yes he is ours and if any other earthly person tried to take him and say he was theirs… well, they could bring it.  Haha

Dedicating Noah was our acknowledgment that we surrender him to God and God’s will for Noah be done above our own will for his life. To do this and really mean it is a tough one for me.  I mean, what if Noah grows up and feels that he is called to serve in a foreign country… or a dangerous place. If Noah truly surrenders his life for the Lord- I don’t know what that will look like, and that’s scary. I guess it is a matter or trusting God, creator of the universe and all living things that just maybe- He knows what is best for Noah even more than this mommy does.

Any other mommies have a hard time with this one??

Much Love

1 comment:

  1. I love this sentiment. It is scary. I know that when I think of Hanna and David's lives, I feel concern over their salvation, their path and their choices. I also know that all I can do is equip them. I can help and instruct. I have to let them choose. I have to let them be. I have to get out of God's way! SUPER HARD!
